Fill out this form if you would like to get the free course as well as a call/text/email back from my office. We can answer your questions and set you up with either a free xray evaluation where you email in all your xrays for a free evaluation or have you come in to see us in order to get a Full Mouth Series of Xrays and photography done on our XTG system (ultra-low radiation) for $100. This comes with a free phone exam within approximately 1 week where our office manager will go over the results of my examination of your xrays and photos.
At the office of Dr. Paul O’Malley DDS, we believe in tooth-conserving dentistry, otherwise known as biomimetic dentistry. This philosophy of dentistry is based upon the idea that teeth are not self-healing like other parts of our body which means it’s important to preserve as much of the healthy, natural structure as possible. If you are looking for a holistic dentist near you in Encino who provides conservative care, you’ve come to the right place.
The literal translation of biomimetic is to “mimic life.” As this relates to dentistry, holistic practitioners who offer biomimetic dentistry offer solutions that do not result in excess tooth removal, lengthy visits, or unnecessary temporary restorations.
Dr. Paul O’Malley DDS, provides several dental services that are considered biomimetic/holistic including:
When decay comprises a tooth, we don’t just place an amalgam filling and call it good. Instead, we focus on restoring as much of the tooth structure as possible and use biocompatible resin material to strengthen the tooth. This process can minimize the development of cracks and mimics the tooth’s natural structure.
At the office of Paul O’Malley, we want our patients to have a calm, comfortable experience. We ensure that the atmosphere in our office is one of comfort and serenity. We want to make sure that our patients have a positive experience.
It can be hard to find a dentist who is focused on patient convenience, conservative treatments, and state of the art technology. The good news is if you are in the Encino area, your search can end here. Call us at (818) 616-8838 to learn more about our holistic and biomimetic treatment options.
It doesn’t cost a dime and will protect you from bad dentistry. The videos come one per day for a series of days so if you want all the videos in a single email, please either call, text or email our office manager and he will send it all to you.
The educational process that we do with all of our patients is the “secret sauce” that helps me get you the best possible restorations and also helps to stabilize your mouth so you don’t need more work in the future. My free Holistic Dental Course is how we achieve that, one-for-one. Please sign up for that right away. We require all new patients to go through the free course prior to getting their full in-person exam wit me. If you would like a list of the free course videos so that you can move through them faster, simply call, email or text in and our office manager can send that to you.
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